LcdBridge Board

[LcdBridge pcb]


Sometimes you would like to play around with components like encoders, buttons, faders and more without the need to build everything from ground up. You would like to have an evaluation board that has exactly the components you barely need every time. You often use an existing board and ripp off everything you do not need and connect your stuff via wires. I created this board as an evaluation board, that fits on a breadboard and can also be soldered on a simple single sided pcb you can build at home. This can be used as the first version to play around and try your idea. It has all the software support you need to communicate to the host and for faders, buttons and leds build in. This is the perfect start for your new wing design. You can use the kicad schematic to add your own components later. I will continue to write KnowHow articles as the development progresses. It is called LcdBridge, because I had the idea while I wanted to have a module to drive one or more text LCDs. I plan to rename it in the future to wingevb.


Here are some KiCad renderings of the board.

[LcdBridge pcb top] [LcdBridge pcb bottom]


Last update: 2020-12-23
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